Have your say
We want to hear your views on the proposed development. Please respond with your thoughts and comments before 16 October 2023.
You can do this by filling out the form on this page or emailing us on: consultation@realestatecomms.com
All of the feedback will be collated and analysed by the project team before an application is submitted. If you have any questions, please contact us using the email address below.
We are committed to protecting personal information. Any information provided will be used in line with applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under the terms of the GDPR you have certain rights over how your personal data is retained and used by us. Your comments will be analysed by Real Estate Communications on behalf of Obsidian Strategic. Copies will be made available to the relevant planning authority so it can note your comments. We will, however, request that your personal details are not placed on the public record. Your personal details will be held securely by Real Estate Communications in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, will be used solely in connection with this consultation and any subsequent planning applications and, except as noted above, will not be passed to any third parties. Real Estate Communications will only keep your personal details until the implementation of this planning permission unless you have requested to receive updates.